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The ECB Podcast Summer School #1: What do European banking supervision and football have in common?

What is European banking supervision and how is it connected to our bank accounts? And what does football have to do with it?

Our host Stefania Secola discusses these questions and more with Supervisory Board member Elizabeth McCaul in the first episode of our Summer School on banking supervision.

Published on 8 August 2024 and recorded on 11 July 2024.

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Ten years of European banking supervision

We’re celebrating ten years of European supervision this year. Let’s look at how it emerged from crisis.

How is European supervision like football?

What is supervision at European level, why was it established and how is it connected to our bank accounts?

What have been the highlights of the past ten years?

We reflect on the achievements of the past ten years, such as dealing with no shortage of challenges for banks, including the pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and rising interest rates.

What about the future?

What does the future of European banking supervision look like? What are the challenges, and how are we preparing to handle them?

Our guest’s hot tip

Elizabeth McCaul shares her hot tip with our listeners.

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